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Regent Life Church regularly financially supports Barb Iman in Uganda, and Bill Pagaran with Carry the Cure in Alaska.


Barb Iman


In 2004 while visiting a friend in Homer, Alaska, God showed up in a powerful way and from there Barb was launched into missions. The following year, she went to Mozambique with Iris Ministries and has never been the same. She served all over Africa: in Mozambique, Malawi, South Sudan, Kenya, and Uganda.

From 2009 through 2015 she created ministered to women and children in Uganda, teaching women life skills to earn income (sewing Binga Bags), providing educational opportunities for their children, and reaching out to the street boys with a weekly medical clinic.

Missions-BarbSewingIn 2016, she left Uganda to serve refugees in Lesbos, Greece, and then was blessed to live in Israel for three months. She is now back in Uganda ministering to “her ladies” and using her nursing skills in the bush, delivering babies and healing injuries and illnesses.

Future plans include returning to Israel for a few months in the fall, and then ministering in Iraq. Barb takes seriously the charge to be Jesus’ hands and feet! She loves the widows and orphans, and surrounds herself with needy people in whom she can pour her love and as much practical help as she can.


Bill Pagaran

Bill PagaranBill Pagaran leads Carry the Cure, a non-profit, faith-based organization founded in 1996 to combat the epidemic of suicide among native teens. (The Alaska suicide rate is more than twice the U.S. rate, according to the Alaska Department of Health & Social Services.) Just as dedicated mushers drove their dog teams across nearly 1000 miles of arctic terrain to carry the cure for diphtheria to the afflicted Eskimos in rural Western Alaska in 1925, a new group of Alaskans are today forging ahead to carry a new cure to rural Alaska – the cure for teen suicide. Carry The Cure’s dedicated team of youth and adults travels throughout Alaska to provide a message of hope through school rallies, mentorship, and education.

Iditarod2012They also travel along the Iditarod Trail with the mushers, ministering to Iditarod competitors, workers, and villages along the way. They are requested by schools, clinicians, churches, tribal councils and communities around the world. Bill’s messages encourage, equip and motivate others to “carry the cure” and make a difference in their village, city, state, and world.

In addition, Bill is a master percussionist, instructor, author, and clinician. He is requested for tours, recording sessions, clinics, festivals, drum circles, worship teaching and more.


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